Thursday, July 31, 2008

Octopus's Garden

While in Tokyo recently, Hiromi and Nia visited a seaquarium. A good time was had by all.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kicking Back in Kyoto

Relaxing after another hard day of eating and playing.

Safe and Secure

Don't you wish Mom's hand were always there to grab when things get spooky?

Shovel It In

You never know when the next meal is coming. Get it while the getting is good.

Japan's Most Wanted

The two most successful sushi thieves in history. Menacing looking, no?

Our Nia

I know I've said it before, but if she weren't mine I'd be jealous.

Showing Off

Another pic from the last day of school. Looking sharp.

Wanna See My Blister?

Too much rich Japanese food.

More New Friends

A school friend. Where will they be in fifty years?

Bop Bop Sleep

This gets her every time.

And Now for My Next Trick

Clowning around after bath.

One Skinny Rabbit

Looks like beddy-boo time for somebody. Nice pajamas.

No Relation

No, not extended family this time. The baby's name is Manoa--the child of one of Hiormi's friends. And great grandfather (if I have it correct) supervising.

In Good Company

Conferring with the gods.


It must've been a good one.

Head Over Heels

This is how Japan makes you feel sometimes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Kisses from Kyoto

Ssssssssssssmack! We love you, too, Nia!

Hot Hot Hot

Hiromi reports that on a recent excursion, it was so hot that Nia blew a fuse and had a nosebleed. Our poor girl. Sacrificing precious life fluid to the gods of tourism.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

From Russia With Love

Is that Putin in the background?! And Gorby in the middle of the pack?

A Day on the Go With Eriko

Hiromi and Nia recently spent the day with Hiromi's friend Eriko, whose exceedingly small stature (4'10") is more than complemented by her inner and outer beauty.

Garden Satori

Nia has achieved enlightenment.

More Extended Family

Here's Hiromi's Shiga Prefecture family. Hiromi's grandmother is to Hiromi's right, then Hiromi's aunt, and Hiromi's cousin. Four generations.


These were taken in Shigaraki, in Shiga Prefecture. This area is well known for ceramics. Hiromi reports that it was waaay hot, maybe too hot to be out sightseeing. Nia got a nosebleed.

Ahoy, Matey!

Nia and Hiroimi visited extended family in Shiga Prefecture, just to the north of Kyoto. The woman with Nia is her great grandmother, Hiromi's grandmother on her mother's side. This is a hired boat. The kind captain is letting Nia pilot the vessel. Great hat, Nia! I think there's samurai in her blood.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Last Day of School

Here's Nia headed out for her final day of school. The school wanted everyone to wear a uniform. Real ceremonial-like.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Before There Was Lemonade...

Need a little sugar?

Making Friends

This is Nia's new friend, Momono. She is the daughter of.....I don't know whose daughter she is. A friend of Hiromi. As far as I know, I haven't met this person. But that don't matter, cuz friendliness wins the day. Welcome to our lives, Momono!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Down by the River

Kyoto has something for everyone.

Evening Relaxation

This is the livingroom of the Kyoto house. Behind Hiromi and Nia is the family shrine, which contains, among other things, photos of Hiromi's parents. The family shrine is the centerpiece of all Japanese households.